Canadian Cancer Society: information on how you can reduce your risk of cancer as well as information on all types of cancer
Act Now BC: Offers healthy living tools and community events calendar
Public Health Agency of Canada: provides information to promote health and prevent and control chronic and infectious diseases
Health Canada information on obesity. Also provides information on food and nutrition and has articles on healthy living.
Healthy Eating
Canada’s Food Guide: guides food selection and promotes the nutritional health of Canadians.
Dieticians of Canada: Offers healthy recipes and tools to assess your current lifestyle and eating habits.
Meatless Monday; encourages having a meat free meal once a week.
Nutrition Month: March is nutrition month in Canada and this website also offers healthy recipes and eating tips.
Farmers’ Markets: find a local Farmer’s market near where you live.
Mix It Up: provides, practical and informative and to provide tips on how to prepare fruits and veggies using different colours, flavours and textures for meals and snacks at home, at school, at work, eating out or on the go
Physical Activity
Canada’s Physical Activity Guide: A guide to help you make wise choices about physical activity
Bike to Work Week: a yearly event that encourages people to bike to work
Move for Health Day:an international event created in 2002 by the World Health Organization to celebrate and promote physical activity.
Walk BC: Find recreation facilities and walking routes from around BC
10,000 steps: a free health promotion program that encourages the use of step-counting pedometers to monitor your daily physical activity levels.
Other Organizations
Heart & Stroke Foundation
Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation
BC Cancer Agency
Prostate Cancer Foundation
Arthritis Society
Canadian Mental Health Association
Canadian Diabetes Association